Some strategies for dealing with difficult people involved in an IT project.

Believe me, if you manager of an IT project has not yet had the luck (or misfortune) to cross with someone hard to deal with on a project, do not worry, it’s just a matter of time.

This implies that you will need a lot of patience and strategy to cope with this kind of person in a friendly way (for good design!) Despite the possible obstacles.

But before, a very important notice: do not destroy bridges! Independent of genius difficult of their interlocutors, remember that all the people who collaborate in the project they want the project go well and reach your goal.

However, many times the war of egos can come to lose everything, if in a day you offer unconditional support, in the following may create a genuine turmoil because the progress of work is not being done exactly as they want, etc.

And doesn’t mean that they have changed their goals, they still want the success of the project, just for professional issues or character (or both together) move to the confrontation.

Don’t take this attitude as something personal and remember that business is just business, professional relationship apart. Whatever happens (of course we are not referring to the extreme, with blows, for example), do not burn bridges and dispose of these people just because they seem to be hindering the progress of work.

You must at first find ways to work with them to break the deadlock.

Now that we have this clear, we will focus on the tips (which can save your team).

4 Strategies to deal with difficult people

Identify and observe them carefully.

It must be done continuously, as stated before, if at first it is an active advocate in another moment can become a stone in the shoe.

But if you are attentive to the signs, his comments on the latest state of reviews, for example, you will not be surprised and have time to formulate possible strategies to minimize the influence of this turbulent personality before the team and the project.

Therefore it is very important to ensure that all channels of communication are always kept open to prevent possible negativity.

Listen carefully to what they tell you.

Try to be aware of where proceed negative comments and use of empathy to analyze this point of view, that’s right, put yourself in the person’s place. In this way you may be able to understand their motivations and goals and who knows even adhere to his or her logic (if it really comes to add to the project).

Make a conscious effort to understand the point of view and ask yourself: How much the opposite view affects the project? Is this perhaps another way to accomplish the project will bring no benefits? Among other issues … The idea is to try to find a meeting point.

Meet with the “rebels” one by one.

Try to gather or when possible to talk to the “rebels” individually.

In this way these people do not feel cornered against others involved in the project; it is important to avoid confrontation, avoid asking brusquely why they opposed the way the project was planned or is running.

Ask open ended questions about their opinions and what they think about the project, stage, etc, remember this is a professional relationship, isn’t personal.

Discover their concerns and motivations.

Discover the motives behind the opposition are a great asset. They are concerned that it will exceed the budget? They are concerned with more technical questions of order or personal? Anyway, many may be the reasons and if you achieves success in discovering the reasons guiding this approach therefore might create a strategy so that everyone is satisfied and continue despite difficulties.

If you can manage the people involved in a project effectively, listening to them and satisfying their needs over the course of a project, you can then benefit from the trust placed in you and your methods.

And that goes for everyone, not just for those who create conflicts…

Have you ever had to deal with difficult people in a project? How did you deal with the situation? Think about it!