5 attitudes for using the cloud as a competitive advantage

cloudsCompanies that have so far managed to create new interactions with the cloud have at least one thing in common: they use their ability rather than investing in development and infrastructure. Perhaps this is the best way to explore the cloud , which can be challenging, as any evolving technology.

Learn 5 important steps that can help you adopt cloud computing:

1 – Always plan: For the cloud does not become just a solution in search of a problem, the cloud responsible for strategies must develop them as part of business strategy . The objective to be set must the business goal, as well as the opportunities and challenges that the cloud planning must have.

2 – Create a IT culture: If your company is not ready to provide cloud services , stay tuned to uncontrolled deployments, which can expose your company to risk and deter potential future investments in cloud. The role of IT at the moment is to make the cloud easier to set up , talking to the company and guiding it in implementations.

3 – Adopt criteria: consider product demonstrations designed to evaluate cloud options available . Factors such as user experience , cost predictability and transparency of the use of user information is a basic criteria today.

4 – Surround territory: the latest features can be accessed through the cloud without complex upgrades or painful therefore sets out the responsibilities between IT and the business to make decisions. Look distinguish local decisions of corporate and defines the architecture and agile teams.

5 – Be ready for change: adapt to changing is a skill that IT professionals need to handle and provide adequate resources. All change management requires a new dimension, develop a strong communication network and prepare for pending changes.